Thursday, February 09, 2006

2046 - R

I'll be honest, the main reason I watched 2046 was the actresses. Ziyi Zhang and Faye Wong in particular, though Tony Leung is also very good. I have to say that watching those actresses (and Tony Leung) was the only really enjoyable aspect about it.

2046 is a movie about a man who's trying to recover from having lost his One True Love. Despite finding other women, some of whom are hopelessly in love with him, he can't return their love because he's only living for the woman he once lost. So essentially, he's just going through the motions, pretending to have meaningful relationships but in fact being over and done with true love. Not a very happy or constructive situation, you'll agree. To me it was all a bit pointless. It was a long, slow-moving film, with only a few points of real interest (seeing Faye Wong as an android with inhumanly perfect skin was interesting). It wasn't any kind of sci-fi movie, either, for the few sci-fi elements were simply metaphors for something else.

The point of the movie has something to do with timing; that true love only occurs at the right time and place, which is difficult and very accidental to find oneself in. While this may be a good and meritable point, in my opinion it doesn't have to be that way. People can be more open to each other, so that everything doesn't have to depend on happenstance. Philosophically, I remain unimpressed with this movie, and cannot declare myself in agreement with its statements.

Still, it was clearly a well-produced, honest and highly emotional piece of movie-making, with amazing performances by especially Tony Leung and Ziyi Zhang, the latter of which has a more adult and mature role here than anything else I've seen her in.

A solid and substantial piece of work, but nothing I can imagine sitting through a second time.

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