Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wedding Crashers - R

Wedding Crashers is a fun comedy that works simply because the filmmakers know what to do with what they've got. The great humor of Wedding Crashers is not found in the cleverness of its script or the creativity of its story, but rather in its lead actors. Had anyone but Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn been the leads, this movie would have tanked. They are both famous for that congenial charisma that so many people find humorous – the type that makes them come off as the fun buddies that we all wish we could call up on a Friday night. Director David Dobkin must know this, because he gives Wilson and Vaughn plenty of scenes to show off the qualities that have made them two of America's funniest and most likable stars.

To fulfill the perfect cast, Rachel McAdams and Christopher Walken fill in the necessary roles. McAdams again reminds us why she has become so popular in the past year, glowing with her vibrant smile and charm that interact perfectly with every character on screen, especially Wilson's. Christopher Walken, among his many extraordinary traits, is famous for his dry, sarcastic sense of humor – revealed through his one of a kind voice. He gets a chance not only to earn some laughs in a way that only he can do, but also to play the role of the amiable father figure with the great advice.

Make no mistake, though – underneath this film's main selling point of a couple of funny guys going around and crashing weddings to sleep with girls (an idea that is just about concluded within the first 15 minutes) – is a sappy, conventional chick flick. I use that term carefully though, because Wedding Crashers never actually falls victim to the typical stereotypes of your average chick flick. It avoids them because of its great cast and the chemistry they all share on screen – which can appeal to just about anyone who enjoys a good laugh. It conceals the fact that the script is probably one of the worst excuses for a comedy within the past year. What's great is that we never have to look that far – because the characters all seem to be enjoying themselves too much, and they make the film just as enjoyable to watch.

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